
The New Gods


Lady Luck, the Maiden

Goddess of change, luck, trade and travel

Alignment: Chaotic good

Numeracy: 4

Symbol: A pair of boots and a coin bag


Howling Son the Winds

God of winds, passion, purity and order

Alignment: Lawful good

Numeracy: 7

Symbol: A howling gust of wind


The Northern Sun, The Young Sun

God of war, exploration, and the sun

Alignment: Chaotic good

Numeracy: 5

Symbol: A platinum sun with triangular rays


The Jester God, the Two-Faced One, Jester of Bitter Mirth

God of laughter, cunning, rogues, the sea, and trickery

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Numeracy: 2

Symbol: A surprised face and a evil laughing face

Mother Orb

The Great Mother

God of earth and weather

Alignment: Neutral

Numeracy: 1

Symbol: An orb with a single eye


The Southern Sun

God of wisdom, law, and the sun

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Numeracy: 3

Symbol: A silver sun with curved rays



Goddess of rain, protection, joy, and the hearth

Alignment: Neutral good

Numeracy: 6

Symbol: A horizontal shield deflecting rain

The Old Gods

Warriors of Wind

Demigods of wind and weather

Alignment: Neutral

Numeracy: 9

Symbol: Nine black wavy lines

Knights of Earth

Demigods of earth and harvest

Alignment: Neutral good

Numeracy: 10

Symbol: Ten small red circles arranged in a circle

Queen of the Wild

Goddess of nature, animals, and the hunt

Alignment: Neutral

Numeracy: 12

Symbol: A green woman with a crown of trees

King of Flame

God of fire, craft, and battle

Alignment: Chaotic good

Numeracy: 13

Symbol: A red man with a crown of flames


God of death, fate, and treasure

Alignment: Neutral evil

Numeracy: 0

Symbol: A black leaf